5 songs you should check out
1. Out of Exile by Audioslave Rock
2. Ruby, don't take your love to town by Cake Rock-a-billy-ish
3. Low by Coldplay Rock
4. The Rain Song by Led Zeppelin Rock
5. De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da by The Police Rock
I've been wanting to post somethings that I like, so maybe you will like them too! At least check them out and tell me what you think. I really love music and these songs aren't my favorite songs, but they are very good songs to me, by some of my favorite bands.
5 movies you should check out
1. Last of the Mohicans
2. Jeremiah Johnson
3. Point Break
4. Smoke
5. Touching the Void
Some of you have probably heard these songs or watched these movies before, but don't be afraid to listen or watch them again. I always seem to catch something new every time I listen to a song or watch a movie again. Enjoy, peace to you, and have a wonderful weekend. JB
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