Well I'd like to say I'm really proud of our Men's National Soccer team for putting the smack down on Mexico last night. 2-0 was the final score and could have been 3-0 just as easily. I'd also like to say thanks to my new friends who were kind enough to allow me to watch the game with them. I'm really digging blogging and I hope everyone that visits this site is digging it too. I appreciate all feed back, so don't be afraid to write me some love letters, ok! Haha. Anyway life has been good this year and especially since the middle of April, because I went totally free lance at that time. I've really enjoyed being able to concentrate on not working and having all fun all the time, no really, I've really focused on photography these last five months. It has been refreshing and productive, but funds are running deathly low, so I am faced with reality of getting a part time job to supplement my income. I don't like it, but you've got to do what you've got to do sometimes and I think God could be leading me to a new place spiritually through a new job. Life can be really boring sometimes and other times it can be so in your face. Of course there are many other life instances, like uncertainty, but I think it is beautiful. I am uncertain from time to time of what I want to do with my life, or if God really wants me to be a photographer. I love photography, but I was thinking today while I was sitting in church what my life would be like if I weren't so obsessed with photography. What would I be doing? Watching football or Nascar? I hope not! I just want to be doing something that's important and will make a lasting impact or legacy. I guess I want to be "known" or remembered. I'm 27 years old, is this normal? One thing I do know is this past year has been a good one living back in Dyersburg. I absolutely love my church. I have gotten to know several people well and I look forward knowing them more and sharing myself with more people too. Life is too short to be alone or be unknown. Thank God for Led Zeppelin, or Led Zefflin as my dad calls them. Life is beautiful and Jesus is God. With out him I would be a very selfish person. Thank God for humility! JB
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