
Jeremy Bopp Photography

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Saturday, March 11, 2006

victorious downfall

Last night was a huge event in Dburg with a couple bands playing. Flight 22 and Victorious Downfall, along with a xbox tournament, black light room, and of course photo area. Here are a group of ladies who had their photo taken by me and some blacklight art by my friend Kate M, whom is a great artist. Enjoy and more are coming soon!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

This image is from a beauty contest last weekend. I helped shoot this event with my good friend and fellow photographer Jeff Tabor. It was good fun. Jeremy

Here is some recent "play" work. If you click the images they will enlarge, so you can view them more closely. Enjoy and please leave some comments. If you ever have questions, feel free to ask. J B