Lately I've really been wanting to travel. It's been almost a year that I've lived back in Dyersburg. It's been pretty nice mostly. I still love to travel though, so I'm thinking of heading out to northern California for a week in October. Tickets are cheap, so it is a real possibility. Two years ago my friend Ruben and I took a 10 day vacation out there and it was Amazing! Yosemite is really magical and worth spending time there again. I've always wanted to go back and hike high up into the sierras and camp by one of the lakes up there. Maybe it would get old after a day or two, but maybe God would speak to me up there like in so many stories from the Bible where God spoke to his people on the mountain tops. That would be nice. For now I'm listening to some Coldplay and living in my parents house. Haha. It's really funny and humbling to be living with my parents again. Most of the time it's not too embarrassing. They are helping to build my photography career though, so it's kind of an even trade off, humility + free rent = professional photographer. At least in my case lets hope.
I think one of my speakers is blown out. Must have been listening to Incubus too loud. Well maybe I'll get a good deal on some replacements. Oh and I'm taking donations for photo equipment. Canon 70-200 2.8f is lens is next on the buying list for about $1,700.00 usd. Any help is much appreciated. Peace.