
Jeremy Bopp Photography

Monday, April 10, 2006

HEy I just wanted to post some blogging I had done at another site several months ago. So here it is. If some of the entries seem dated, it's because they are. Enjoy. J bopp

U2 concert 115 days ago

It was a great concert last night. U2 played to a sold out crowd of 20,000. Amazing energy, amazing video fx, and amazing talent! Rated best concert of my life! What an experience. Photos coming soon!

Also if you love Coldplay...
Austin City Limits will be airing Coldplay live on Saturday the 17th and the 18th. Check for local listings on your PBS stations. You can also go to the Austin City Limits website, so don't miss it. Adios JB


drums 144 days ago

So I'm taking drum lessons now. I've always admired drummers. They get to pound the heck out of their drum kits and make music at the same time. Stress relief and joyous beats joined as one. How about that. It's difficult to make the right foot (bass drum) keep the beat while the hands are working seperately. I'm getting there. Fun stuff and a new challenge to tackle. I love it. So now I hear music in a new way too. Listening for the drum beats and trying to keep time with the song. Today I also downloaded two Moby albums. Not because of the sick drum action, but because I heard samples of the "Play" and "18" albums and thought they were really nice. I can't believe it's November! It feels like it should still be September. I turn 28 years old in a couple weeks! Bring it on. Life is really amazing and I'm enjoying it. I have peace about being in Dyersburg, TN and I know it's where I'm supposed to be. I've made some great friends, learned alot from them, and grown from my church here too. I don't know what is on the horizon. I am anxious to know what God has for me. Life is good. God is great. Praise be to God. He is Holy!
J Bopp


Don't forget 156 days ago

Don't forget to check out my other blog from time to time.
I use both of these, so I try to keep the content from being redundant.
I can't wait for Incubus to release their new album!


Texas 167 days ago

It's funny how God can make events happen. I just got back from a week in Texas on a road/work trip with my great friend Jason. Man, I had just been talking about him the week before and he ended up calling me the same day. He needed help, with work for the week and with a couple other things. We did a huge loop through Texas installing Coach bag shelving and plastic liners to go under the shelving and trays. Not very difficult, but time consuming and tedious. We visited many malls in Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, and Houston. We were driving alot, listening to music in the Element, yelling at the GPS, and getting turned around. God can really do things when you're trapped in a vehicle for hours on end. Sometimes we as people lose control of areas in our lives, sometimes we get so caught up in our habits that we are blinded, in times like those we can lose footing and slip in the mud. Maybe sometimes we begin to enjoy slipping in the mud because it's exciting, fun, or dirty. Soon it becomes comfortable for us to be completely covered in mud and we forget what it was like to be clean. Well something that God has been telling me lately is to be pure and holy. It's difficult. It doesn't seem as cool. It's balance. It's pure. Don't forget we are called to be God's high priests. Don't forget we are called to be holy as He is holy. Don't forget we have a message, a Gospel to bring. I'm not saying stop drinking beer or smoking cigs. I'm not saying you can't say certain words. Remember the purpose for your life. If we can raise our heads up out of the mud for a moment we can hear His voice again. Maybe more than anything I've found it's easy to become self absorbed. I love it, because it's all about me. Well I'm trying to turn my focus outward and effect others as much as I dream about perfecting my own life.
PS I heard some great music on my trip. The best was Matisyahu. Google him. Sweet Jewish Reggae. Great lyrics, music, and story. Bingo bango, BOPP

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Peter Jackson's new film 186 days ago

King Kong will be out in December, but if you are interested in seeing behind the scenes video blogging then check out Nice stuff if you're interested in film making and such. Jeremy
Don't fear the llama!


More work 186 days ago

I got some great news yesterday. I get to go on two more editing trips soon! They are usually one or two day events in New Jersey or New York. Thank God for this, cause I really need the money since my bank account is looking pitiful these days. I would be considered a starving artist except that God has provided the food and shelter as well. Praise God today! Praise Him every day! He is worthy. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty! Thank you Lord for your blessings.


road trip 193 days ago

There's a possibility of a road trip in the works for this winter break. Who knows, but for now it's nice to think about. The two week road trip I was part of with Ruben Karel, Tony Sobota, and Emily Blalock/Karel now, last year was amazing. It's a great feeling to be out on the road with good friends and a plan to conquer some distant location. It's a journey with many expectations, music, let downs, growth, and true learning. That's why I think travel is a beautiful thing. I'll never forget bathing in the cold water of the Grand Canyon at about 11pm one night. We had hiked down 7 miles to our campsite in the dark with only head lamps on, which seemed like it took all night to get there. It was a very weird feeling probing the darkness in a huge hole and only hearing our own foot steps on the dust laiden path. Finally we did make it to our site, where we set up the tents and ate some food. Tony and I decided it would be nice to wash up before bedding down for the night, so we meandored to the river. It was breathtakingly cold water, but it was very refreshing and cleansing. The next morning we awoke a little after 5am. We were told by park rangers to start hiking out around this time, because the canyon literally becomes a mega oven once the sun's rays begin to shine in. Well it's easier hiking down hill, especially when you aren't in top hiking condition, so the 7 mile trudge uphill became very laborsome for me. We were all carrying around 30 pounds on our backs with alot of water to drink. It wasn't fun, no really it wasn't fun, but when we did reach the shelf over look area about a half mile from the top we stopped to eat and relax. Of course we were very hungry after hiking far enduring those conditions, we put on a bit of water to boil for oatmeal. Tony threw in the oatmeal with the water, which I don't usually do, because it's normally thrown in once the water is boiling, so all bacteria will be killed. So like I said the oatmeal was in prior to boiling point and well we both got food poisoning. Tony imediately felt the results and began to heave right behind a family that was enjoying the overlook view. The family pretended not to notice the obvious, which was a little funny since I thought Tony had merely overexurted himself on the hike out. Once we hiked up to the Caddy, we drove to a shower station to get cleaned up. I started feeling a little funny. After the showers we all got in the car and drove on northward towards Zion NP. At this point I was running a high temperature and feeling like I wish I could throw up, but I didn't. Lucky me, so after a couple hours of near halucinating sweats and stomach pain, Ruben offered me a carbon taplet. Why it took so long to offer I'm not sure since I was busy growning. Anyway it's effects soon began to help along with turning my mouth completely black, but it was a welcome offering. Later that night we bedded down at an RV park just outside Zion NP. Sometimes you go through some real low spots and shitty days, but then the next day or two turns out to be amazing and a complete 180 from the days prior. I think life can be like that alot, but maybe a little more subtle most of the time. It's reassuring to be loved and comforted. We never know when life will end. The older I get, the more I wonder how it will happen to me. If I will recognize it when it is happening, if it will happen too fast to recognize, or if it will be slow, uncomfortable, and in my face. Once again it is reassuring to be loved and comforted. Jesus is the only door to salvation for eternal life with God. I wonder how many times we and others ignore the Holy Spirit's desires much like the family who ignored Tony's clear existence just a hands reach away. I'm not always so heavy in my writings, but maybe I needed to get this out today. Maybe you needed to read this today as much as I needed to write it. Thanks, Jeremy Bopp


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