Gateway to the West. St. Louis is the place known as the Gateway to the West. It's an interesting thought to think about a city as a gateway. I think people can become gateways in many different ways. Isn't it amazing how you "click" with certain people, and those people become your closest friends. Those people become your friends, which in turn become gateways for you. Gateways of shared experience, knowledge passed on, ideas, creative energy, possibly even negative examples, but hopefully Gateways of positive examples and synergy. I love this deep communication with people. Personally I've found it to be rare in my life to come into contact with a friend like this. All the more reason to celebrate and hold onto these "gateways". St. Louis was a gateway for pioneers heading for the "West", which was basically all lands west of the Mississippi River. Today it is still a Gateway for pioneers of thought and idea. The other night at the U2 concert, Bono was presenting thoughts in song and in between songs. Coexistence of people, Jesus as the Christ, and the call for equal civil rights for all peoples on Earth. It was good to have these things presented to 20,000 people. Almost like church. Look for gateways in your life. JB
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