Finished a photo job today and got paid. Always nice to get good feed back and compliments from happy customers! So that was nice, but then I found out one of my video jobs this month was cancelled. Arrrg! Not cool, I really could have used that money, but what can you do eh? Also played some soccer tonight with some friends and had a good time. Met some nice ladies out there kicking around too, but then I found out they are leaving for college in Oklahoma this weekend. Dang. So the USA vs Mexico sold out in a few seconds. I wasn't one of the happy ticket holders. On the other hand, I am one of the happy holders of Coldplay tickets, so I feel good about seeing them for the first time. It surprises me when I mention that I've been listening to Coldplay lately and people have no idea who I'm talking about. I read some bible this afternoon, it was nice. It's funny how I can go about two weeks without cracking it open. I don't like doing that, but it happens. It was nice to read the bible again today. Some Philippians and James just in case you wanted to know. Well I'm getting sleepy. Peace and keep up the good fight ok!
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